Singapore Unveiled

Haji Lane, Kampong Glam

About Singapore Unveiled

A unique photographic collection, through the lens of Boris Mar.

Boris Mar displays a selection of his portfolio; “Singapore Unveiled”.  A photographic view of the Garden City as never captured before.

With close to 25 years of Landscape Photography experience, several years ago Boris Mar embarked on a mission to capture an exclusive view of his home; Singapore.  His mission: to capture the Island State at a unique moment when Mother Nature displays her magic light.  Images are usually taken very early in the morning, before sunrise, when lighting conditions are perfect and magical.  Most photographs are the result of many repeated attempts to capture that perfect moment.

His collection also represents his admiration for the city’s architecture and people.  His urban scenes tell a story, representing everyday life, in a vibrant city that is multi-cultural, and always on the move.

Boris Mar uses a Linhof Technorama  -a traditional medium-format film camera- as well as a professional high-resolution digital camera with wide-angle lenses.  Both capture extreme details and colors, giving the impression that you’re looking through a window.  His images have no, or minimal editing.  They are a true representation of Singapore’s beauty.

To view Boris Mar’s “Singapore Limited Edition” collection: click here to browse the gallery.  These images are limited reproductions that can be purchased.  If your preferred image from the “Singapore Unveiled” collection is not displayed; please contact us for pricing.

Enjoy your journey through “Singapore Unveiled”.

Photography Tours

Learn from Boris Mar

Join Boris Mar to some of the most spectacular places on earth and learn how to photograph like a professional.

There is a range of options, tailored for beginners, as well as advanced photographers. This is a unique opportunity to learn from Boris on a day tour in Singapore, or his adventurous multi-day trips.


The Cityscape

Witness Boris Mar’s amazing collection of cityscapes.  These images are captured with the same passion, patience and persistent work as his landscape images.  This collection is the result of countless early mornings, trying to capture that “magic” light, as it awakens your favorite city.  As well as stunning views of cities at dusk, after a long and bustling day. 

Cityscapes : our human-made landscapes.